Thursday, September 10, 2009

Week Three Readings

Introduction to Linux: A Hands on Guide
With this reading I was biased by what I had heard about Linux in the past, that it was hard to use, etc. I now have a much better appreciation about where the system came from and how it got started. UNIX seems like it had a big part in allowing different computers to communicate with each other. I am also intrigued about how Linux is an open source and that anyone can publish and change what is out there. However, I would be concerned with the fact that you would never quite know what you are getting when you downloaded it. Also it does seem really confusing to use and I am not sure that it would be worth learning the system.

I love Mac OS X. I have been running it for over two years now and have never had anywhere near the amount of trouble that my Windows machines gave me. I find it to be extremely friendly and visually appealing. I found the wikipedia article easier to understand and a better introduction to the joy that is Mac. However the only way that one can really get to know a system is to try it out themselves.

An Update on the Windows Roadmap

I am glad that Microsoft is continuing to support XP, so that people aren't forced to upgrade if they don't need to. While reading this I was glad that I have a Mac. I think that more people see what a pile of junk Vista was, and while they are trying to fix the flaws inherent in the system, it doesn't seem to make a difference. Again my bias is showing, but I hate Windows. The few times I used Vista I was not impressed. They are trying to rip off the coolness of a Mac, and Windows 7 looks to be the same. As a Mac user, there my loyalty lies, and nothing at this time will change that.


  1. How similar are Mac and Window's Vista? I am curious on the similarites and differences. Someone should do a study on the advantages and disadvantages for both. I am curious to which is a better system. I am a window so I am bias towards it. However, I would switch to Mac if I could clearly see it as a better system and friendlier to users.

  2. I agree with your sentiments about Linux. I used to think it was pretty pointless, and the people who used it were a bit elitist. I don't think I'd run it, but I do hate it less.

  3. I have to agree with you on coming at these readings with bias...
    I have found Linux users to be a club of programmer types who talk about how much better the system is but arent willing to show you how.
    of course there will always be THE GREAT MAC VS. WINDOWS WAR! i have been a fan of macs for some time but was monetarily challenged when it came to acquiring one. luckily, i was able to get my current mac from a friend at a steal of a price and could finally rid myself of that toshiba pest that had to be sent to the factory 3 times in 3 years after only writing papers and using facebook.

  4. I always want to buy a Mac but every time I go to choose computer, I cannot decide to buy Mac. I don’t know why, I cannot trust it. I feel it will be new operating system. And I don’t know if all the software that I have in a pc can run in Mac. As you said “the only way that one can really get to know a system is to try it out themselves”

  5. The open source thing bothers me as well. I was thinking about trying it out a few years back, when my more technologically literate friends were into it, and seemed to know what they were talking about. I could never get a feel for it, and it never seemed very secure for some reason. I think I'll stick with what works for me - my Mac OS X, and leave the Linux for braver people!
